Freelap PACK 112 Pad PRO


3 st i lager

Löppaket för individuell träning

Detta paket innehåller:

• 1 FxChip BLE + FxClip (transponder)

• 1 Tx Pad Pro (START-sändare)

• 2 Tx Junior Pro (mångsidig sändare)

• 1 liten väska (tillbehör)

Freelap Pack 112 is the running pack specially made for athlete who trains alone.

✓ Block start or 3-point start.
✓ Total LAP time
+ 2 Intermediates LAP times.
✓ Set the distances you need!

*For an optimale accuracy, place the Tx Junior Pro transmitters  80cm AFTER the desired distance (because your chip will detect the transmitter 80cm before its exact position).